Late post! I didn't get a chance to post this on Monday but better late than never.
Every time I do a #motivationmonday post, I think of the Kelly Rowland song, "Motivation." Not necessarily for the lyrical content (because believe me, she is NOT talking about the gym at all), but rather the title. Any way, I digress...
This weekend was particularly motivating to me in several ways. One way was physically. After attending the Summer Slay event hosted by Fit While Brown, I am reminded of just how serious I need to take my health and lose weight. I've been slacking on this but I really need to step it up if I'm going to have baby #3 (another post about this later).
The second way I was motivated this weekend was professionally. I had lunch with a colleague on Friday and she reminded me just how much and how important is it that we as women continue to fight the good fight for equally and entrepreneurship. I could literally do an ENTIRE post on that conversation because it was so moving and resonated with me so deeply that I came home and got back to work.
And finally, the last way I was motivated was financially. My contract at work is up on August 24th and while I'm sad/frustrated/scared and everything else in between, I reminded that we should all make an effort to be financially responsible. It's made me much more focused on my next steps and really listening to that little voice inside that's saying, "everything will be alright."
What's your motivation?