Today while perusing one of my favorite sites for reading, I
came across this really cool article where the author takes a screenshot of his
iPad at the start of the year and the end of the year.
Of course I thought this was the coolest thing ever and
decided to join in with my phone, doing it at the top of the year and again at the end of the year. Here’s a screenshot of my iPhone:
Phone Type
We’re an Apple only household so of course I would have the
Organizational Method
I am a stickler about organization. I can’t stand a bunch of
loose apps outside of folders so I combine mine into folders. To be honest with
you, I can’t stand a bunch of folders either but as a business owner, I need
all of these apps to run my business from my phone at a moment’s notice.
Categories are a must for me. I have some pretty obvious
ones (health, editing, entertainment, social, games) and then some where I’m
not quite sure what to do with them (extras and stuff). One of these days I’ll
go through them and purge but lucky for me, there isn’t much stuff on my phone
that I don’t use.
Quick Items
In my dock area, I keep the items I use the most: email,
WhatsApp, iMessage and the phone. I probably should add my camera too because I
use that…A LOT. I hate to see unread notifications on my phone (e.g., unread emails, voice messages) so they will be gone immediately.
My current background is some random flower I found. I’m
really into purple at the moment and this fits the motif. Shrugs* there
really is no rhyme or reason LOL