Every now and then when the kids are screaming, my house looks like a Tasmanian Devil has ran through it and I've accidentally burned dinner, I can't help but question this motherhood thing and if I'm doing this right.
My mom and I at my bridal shower |
She's who I've always aspired to be when I started to have kids of my own. She had all together and that's the type of mom I wanted to be.
But when things aren't perfect and vacations are a bust, I reflect back on the advice my mom gave me with my first son.
"Make sure you take some time for yourself. You can't do for everyone if you aren't doing for you."
This simple advice has had the most profound effect on my life as a mother. When ever I wonder if I'm being a great mom, or when I would rather hang out at bookstore for an hour alone than listen to the kids scream and play, I remember what my mom told me. I take some time out for me so that I can be great for them.
One of my sorority sisters lost her mother yesterday (on her birthday of all days) and it's made me reflect on my own relationship with my mom. It hasn't been perfect and I'm probably the reason for a few of her gray hairs, but she's never given up on me. Even I when I was being a bratty teenager and rebelling against everyone, she never quit on me. Now that I'm a mom, she's the first person I turn to for advice (and wine!) when I'm not sure what to do.
Daughters, be good to your mothers. You only get one.