You know how you know you've had a busy weekend? When you can't seem to remember what happened. That was Friday for me. If I know me, my Friday was spent trying to knock out client work before the weekend. I swear, I feel like I can never climb out of this hole that is work, and as soon as I see light at the end of the tunnel, I'm pulled back down. But alas, it WILL get done this weekend.
Saturday morning was an early morning for me. The youngest one decided to wake up at o'dark thirty and refused to go back to sleep so I was up. Ugh. I cleaned the kitchen and did some other stuff around the house before out out to run errands. First stop was Academy Sports to buy new shoes for both kiddos.
After picking up shoes for them, it was off to our other favorite place: Lowes.
Beautiful weather and Saturday afternoons means Lowes to me. There's just something about it. And with Fall in the air, it was time to see what they had in store. I actually didn't get out of the car when we got there because the youngest one fell asleep for his nap so I missed the adventure. My husband and son enjoyed it because they came out with two folding tables he needed to pick up for his business. My parents were actually at the store too so we chatted with them for a bit before taking the party back home. The rest of the day was spent being lazy and relaxing before my nephew came over to spend the night.
Have you ever been in a house with 3 the same time..on the weekend? Good Lord. They are loud, will eat you out of house and home and have boundless energy. Needless to say, they had a great time and passed out some time around midnight.
Hubby had another shoot on Sunday so it was just me and the boys. I really didn't plan for much since I had tons of student assignments to grade and work to do. The kids entertained themselves in the backyard while I worked on dinner and meal prepping for hubby for the week.
For his breakfast, I did some egg muffins filled with spicy sausage and spotlight bell peppers and onions. He loves these and I have to admit, they are pretty simple to make. I'll post a recipe on them soon.
His lunch was a hodgepodge of stuff but what I'm most proud of is the chicken. I marinated some chicken in a tomato, basil, garlic marinade with a ton of onions and bell peppers. If I had some mushrooms, they would have gone in there too. Then, the next day, I seared them before topping them with a can of diced tomatoes and putting into the oven for an hour.
Y'all, this chicken was so fragrant and tender. It was almost too pretty to eat. I made some garlic mixed veggies and macaroni and cheese from the box (ew!) and bam! This meal is husband-approved because he said it was really good.
The rest of the evening was spent relaxing and watching tv. I don't watch tv during the week because I'm too busy with the kids and work so I save everything for the weekend. This week is premier week and all my favorite shows are coming back so do expect tons of reviews.
How was your weekend?