Good food while working hard |
My Friday was busy on the work front. Lots of things to knock out before the weekend kicked off. Luckily, I got everything done with my regular job by quitting time and then headed off to a client meeting for my own business in Downtown Decatur. If you've never visited Downtown Decatur, you need to. Especially in the summer. It's the equivalent of Greenwich Village but in south Atlanta and in a quaint neighborhood. I met my client, Ron, and his daughter and son-in-law for a strategic planning session. We knocked a lot of things out as well as had some good vittles to go with it at latin street food cafe called Calle Latina. I highly recommend them.
Later that evening, I ran some errands and took care of some client work before calling it a night. Saturday was going to be a big day!
I had all kinds of plans for Saturday: a NICU reunion event, a birthday party, the bookstore, etc. And guess where I ended up? At home! I never left the house when it was all said in done. I was still recovering from all the graduation festivities of the previous weekend and knew that we had ONE more to go that I just simply tapped out on Saturday. Good thing I did because we got a little rain and it gave me a chance to clean up my closet.
Whew. Where do I begin? Let's start with the fact that husband had a video shoot downtown and I
We were there for my little cousin, Cecily, who was graduating. We are so stinking proud of her and even more proud to hear that she got accepted into vet school at Tuskegee University. Yay Cecily. If you know anything about my family, you know it's pure madness trying to wrangle us for stuff after an event. Needless to say, 3 hours later and 10 graduation speeches, we finally ate dinner at my aunt's house post-celebration and continued the party. I rolled in the house sometime after midnight (don't judge me) with sleepy kids in tow.
It's Tuesday and I'm still recovering from the last two weekends and the train doesn't stop here. School is out this week and then it's on to swim lessons, tennis lessons and summer tutoring. Pray for me LOL