Trying Something New: Editorial Calendars

By Monique of Walk.Run.Repeat - January 24, 2018

January is almost over! Where did the first month of the new year go and what the heck did I do during it? These are all questions I plan to answer next month during my blogging.

Anyway, I was thinking the other night that I might try something new here at WRR: creating an editorial calendar. You see, I'm one of those obsessive-compulsive organizers. You know, everything its a place and a place for everything. No item out of order. It's a blessing and curse - trust me, I know all too well. What I realized recently is that, when it comes to this blog, I am completely all over the place and an editorial calendar could be just what I need.

Funny enough, I create these all the times for my clients and encourage them but I don't know utilize them myself.

I know, I know. But listen, that is all going to change for the month of February. So, I'm proclaiming it here and now: I WILL create an editorial calendar for the month of February and stick with it. As a blogger, editorial calendars are often our lifeline to sanity, and you would think I would have a pretty extensive one but I don't (no shame in my game).

My hope is that it will help me keep in track and task with the content I share with you. Here's wishing me the best!

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