This year has seen a lot of change in my life. I blogged
about when my
contract ended and I decided to strike out on my own full-time, but I think
the biggest change that I’ve had to adjust to is financial.
Y’all, entrepreneurship will have you saying, “did I make a
mistake?” “where did all my money go?!” faster than you realize.
Can I be real for a moment? Being self-employed isn’t for
punks. Listen. Some months, things will get paid on time, others you will have
to pick and choose. If you’ve been smart about your finances, then good for
you! Keep it up! Have a nice little nest egg put away so that you can cover your
expenses for at least a year. If you can do more, even better.
The first six months are full of hope, fear and
possibilities, but it’s also the reality that you are at this FULL TIME. I have
had conversations with my Sister Circle (my circle of self-employed women) and
we’re all in the same boat. Sure, I’m not in the worst of positions, but it’s a
I say all this to say, be patient with yourself and your
process. If you grind and hustle, you see the return. If you drag your feet
about what you’re doing, then well…. you know the rest.
Every day is a day to do it right and do it better. I
realized this week but that this season that I’m in is yet another transitional
season. It’s ok to take a break and regroup. It’s ok. Trust me. So, while I sit
in the pick-up line each day, l remember that time isn’t something you get
Dig your heels in and handle your business, Sis.
Until next time,