This post is slightly overdue, but life happens. *shrugs * I had the pleasure of attending the Southeast Homeschool Expo at the Cobb Galleria Centre and it was fantastic. I may have mentioned in a previous post that we have homeschooled our son since kindergarten (he's in 4th grade now) and this will be our last year of it. I have thoroughly enjoyed homeschooling - I will do another post that explains the various options you can take with it - and look forward to him starting regular school next year.
I've been trying to attend the convention for the last two years and finally made it this year. I'm so happy that I did because I learned SO much! There were tons and tons of vendors available, lots of curriculum to choose from and more importantly, lots of families, former teachers, and current teachers alike in attendance. I sat in on several math demos and had my mind blown with the various ways of arriving at an answer.
I could go on and on with this post that I will leave you with a few key take aways that I got from the Expo:
- Homeschooling doesn't mean babysitting. You are actually teaching your kids, just in a different way.
- Homeschooling isn't for everyone and that's ok. Do what feels right (and best) for your child.
- Preparation is key. Every day should be scheduled and prepared.
- Flexibility is also key. Kids some times have bad days the way adults do. Don't ever feel bad about throwing your schedule out for the day and winging it. It's ok.
- There are more families of color that homeschool than you think.